Monday, November 8, 2010

Driving in OK

Driving in the state of Oklahoma can really infect one with road rage. I've been here for eight years and have traveled to numerous places, but not many places compare to Oklahoma when it comes to some of its drivers. I'm not really sure what contributes to this phenomenon; I tend to believe that it stems from highway design: on/off ramps often share the same space, yielding only 50 feet of asphalt for cars to exit and get out into the flow of traffic (both at the same time). It's funny how cars looking to exit are often met with resistance by those who are coming out (even though yielding is the rule).

But what I don't understand the most is how come people are so hell-bent on not allowing others to pass? Why is it that when one uses his or her turn signal, a device of which we all are suppose to use, people just speed up to stop you from advancing in front of them? Even if it appears as though you're contemplating on advancing in front of them (slightly by looking at your rear-view mirror)… they speed up!! What is the deal, people? Is this why no one uses turn signals?

The last thing I will harp on is rubbernecking. I'm not really sure what the deal is as far as accidents and how they affect drivers clean on the other side of the freeway (traveling in the opposite direction, no less). I really hate when I'm in a rush to go somewhere, only to find that traffic is backed up for 3 miles due to a fender-bender or because the state trooper has pulled someone over. Why? And why is it that people are always willing to let you go ahead first only when it's inconvenient or when they are the ones who has the right-of-way (like those annoying stop sign standoffs, for example)?

Is it just me?



  1. You must take the same routes I do! :-) I don't think I've ever seen the inability to yield phenomenon anywhere else quite like it is in OK. (and I've lived in San Antonio and Houston, cesspool and breeding ground of bad drivers.) The road set up here is MUCH better than San Antonio and the drivers are not NEARLY as aggressive and speed-demons like in Houston, but this yield thing (and rubbernecking) is beyond mystifying. It seems everyday, my journey home takes 30-45 min (a route that should only take 15-20) because of an accident ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FREEWAY!
    I have never been a road rage person. Normally, I am like 'hey, wanna risk your life to get there 5 seconds before me? go right ahead." But when I have my children in the car, and people's massive failure to operate motor vehicles as intended began to jeopordize my babies...oh it's on.

  2. I don't think we'll ever be able to change them, we just have to change the way we look at em.

  3. I think the roads are crazy everywhere. It seems more like a resistance to caring about and paying attention to other drivers. Everyone seems to think they are the only ones on the road. I will say I think Oklahoma leads the nation in the number of vanity license plates. Oklahomans love to express themselves through their license plates!
