Sunday, October 31, 2010


Through the years, childhood and all, Halloween has undoubtedly been one of my favorite holidays. Often times when I reminisce about my childhood, Halloween always seems to be a part of those memories. Memories, at least in my case, always seem to play out in a way that is similar to watching a film strip that is fragmented and blurry. My visions of Halloween aren't so blurry or obstructed.

The fact that this holiday lands on a moderate (in some cases, brisk) time of year makes it perfect for bonfires. I remember as a child smelling the faint and distant aroma of burning materials, as we prepared to go trick-or-treating under the orange-magenta sky, slowly befallen by darkness. Seeing who could acquire the most amount of candy was always my favorite part. The flavors of Candy Corn, Mary Janes, Tootsie Rolls, and Sugar Babies have their special places in my memory bank. Without these flavors, things just would not have been the same.

My second favorite thing to do back then was dawning the ensemble. Who could ever forget the innovative Superman costume: all the right clothing with the exception of the cape. The cape would always be substituted with a towel held on by clothes pins. Haha! Those were the days. Halloween is no longer a safe holiday. I remember when kids had to beware of embedded razor blades inside certain candies. Ever since then things have swiftly gone downhill. I wonder what's next?


1 comment:

  1. So funny you brought up the Superman costume... I had three little boys dressed up as Superman trick or treat me this year. :)

    Halloween has always been a fun holiday....I still dress up every year. Hell, I dress up for birthdays too!!

    I have to agree though, it's just not the same for kids these days. It's sad.

    Anyway, I hope you had a great one!!
